Reverse Engineering Project: Picking an Object

 Overcoming Possibility Paralysis

                Are you like me who can't make quick decisions? Who has a hard time putting reigns on just one idea so you either bite more than you can chew or do not bite at all due to the paralyzing fear of not being able to follow thru and finish the one that you chose? No? Well, lucky you. This feeling sucks but I've lived long enough to go through this multiple times and know just what to do. 

                The first step is to, research the topic, look at what people have done before and learn from their successes, failures, mistakes, and hardships so you can avoid them yourself. If the first step hasn't inspired you to go in a certain direction, try asking people for help. If that doesn't work, try not to think too much about it and work with the materials in front of you. Exactly like how I chose my candidates for my 3D reverse engineering project. I was about to be late because I decided to eat breakfast so I grabbed the 4 things that looks interesting form our kitchen drawer.

Here are the candidates ...

Apple Core Remover, Cork Remover, Can Opener, and a Peeler

Name: Apple Core Remover

3D Modelling Difficulty: C, it might look easy but the handle looks like a piece of work.

Origin: I do not know, my roommates and I do not like apples... it was never used yet somehow it ended up in our drawer. 

Name: Cork Remover

3D Modelling Difficulty: S+, difficult difficult lemon difficult, I learned from the students from the past that it was hell to work with.

Origin: Probably brought by one of our mothers who think we are lying to them when we say that we don't drink at all. Another object has never served its purpose and will continue to lay within our drawer until we move out and decide to throw it away. 

Name: Can Opener

3D Modelling Difficulty: A, lots of parts for sure but my main concern is that it's not fully detacheable with screwdrivers. 

Origin: Most used among the candidates, was passed around from household to household like an heirloom meant to defeat and open bigger problems of tomato cans for spaghetti. Seriously, we bought this at the thrift shop for 2 dollars, so worth it. 

Name: Peeler

3D Modelling Difficulty: B, it's deceivingly simple but the handle and "y" arc might come as headache.

Origin: Dollarstore from 2 years ago before we moved in. 

And the winner is... 

The Apple Core Remover!!!!



Because I want to give it purpose in life.


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