Castle: Castillo de Carvajal

 Castillo de Carvajal 

(initial sketch)

             It had been a while seen I had used Rhinoceros but nevertheless, I was really excited about this project. I was supposed to document the process but I was on a creative roll that I just spent 6 hours straight on it as soon as I got home from school. I am using a MacBook Pro and I always had been since my first year so it was hard for me to get adjusted to the school computer. Admittedly, it's not as complicated as I make it seem to be but I use "option" and "command" so often in Rhino that it's a bit uncomfortable for me so I'd much rather work on my own MacBook and when the time comes that I need to use the school computers I will just transfer my file through a USB drive. 

            I was so excited to work on this project that I forgot to take screenshots of my processes and progress. But here are photos of the castle in different angles and render modes on Rhino. 

        I found myself using Boolean Difference a lot and right-clicking on my mouse allows me to choose previews actions, it cut me the time from typing it out over and over again. I found working on top and from view and then rechecking on perspective view after, works well for me. 

     Is there a story behind the design? 

       Yes, there is actually. It's simple, I wanted a floating castle to represent a new futuristic civilization on top of the ruins of the old civilization.  Although it's vague and not really a story, it's something to work towards. Simplifying an idea allows one to convey one's ideas more effectively. 

I love creating art that inspires other people's imagination because usually, other people's art inspires mine.


I decided to add a piece of land underneath the arches to further the storytelling. And with the help of my friend, Emily, who taught me how to add lighting, texture, and color, I was able to bring more life to Castillo de Carvajal. 

(new design)

(color rendering)


(Itong kastilyo ay para sa aking sinisintang bumihag ng aking puso)


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