Final Remix: How environment and lighting makes sense of what seems like doesn't

 My Handbrush Object was my best creation but I realized that my subject alone was too minimal to be my final composition so I added a tentacle-tire creation to go along with it. 

Another hiccup that I met along the way is the fact that whenever I try to render the image that I wanted, it always ends up looking terrible. Therefore, I'll be posting screenshots of my objects within the plane I selected and the shadow I placed.

I was fidgeting around with Rhino and I get amazed every time I try to apply textures and colors on the objects, change the lighting or even change the plane that objects are in. I took multiple screenshots because as I have said before, I couldn't render the objects properly. Anyway, I especially love the contrast between the first one and the last one because the first one looks stationary but menacing, while the last one looks as if it's in motion. 

The story told within the arrangement I've chosen looks like an organic-robot fight. It made me realize that proper lighting and environment can make obscure remixes seems understandable.It is able to make an agreeable story. 

On the hiccup that I was trying to say earlier is this;

It seems to appear fine while rendering but ends up looking so wired when rendering is finished.


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